Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Little things keep coming to mind about the girls. I was talking with Nora tonight about when she wore diapers and she would only willingly wear diapers with Zoe (Sesame Street) in them. We would have to go through the whole box to find the Zoe ones. I remember Eric would just use all of them and once and I would get so mad! I thought we should ration them and save a few for emergencies but he wanted to be the one who gave her Zoe all of the time. Oh, the things we will do for our children. It was so cute because she would say 'O-z' over and over again and be so full of joy when she found one. There have been quite a few variations of different words. The kitchen table was the chicken batel and hand sanitizer is still sand hanitizer.
We went out today and she wore the tie from her robe around her head as some kind of fashion statement.
Claire has learned how to say "I wan one" and I heard it the whole time we were in the store today. Her new thing is to act like she is going to bit you but then kiss. She says ouch about everything! She loves animals and followed the neighbor 3 houses down trying to pet her dogs. They were crazy dogs and she had a mini tantrum when I took her away.
They both love to sing and dance and the especially love when choo choo soul is on. So cute!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Recital 2010

I couldn't help myself with the first picture, she just looks so mad! She did a great job. I don't know how to add a video so I just left it on you tube. She had an after party with a cake she didn't like. I figured she loves lemonade and she loves cake so a pink lemonade cake would be perfect. I was wrong and so sad about it. It was fun to have everyone over though.


I just can't say enough how much I love these two. They have their moments and so do I, but most are really great. They are so different yet so much alike and so very easy to love.

Kai Lan bean bags

Nora loves Strawberry Shortcake and Kai Lan so we just had to go see Story Time live when it came to town. We went to Michigan and saw it with Conner and Hannah. The week before we went we made Kai Lan, Tolee and Mr. Sun bean bags. It was a fun project for all of us.

Spring & Tulips


What a wonderful gift that our girls have. We live right down the street from their Great Grandma. They love walking there to get a pretzel.


This is why I need to write stuff down, I don't even remember what we did for Easter. We had pancakes for breakfast and that's about it.

Columbus Zoo and little things about the girls

Nora's favorite color is dark pink and claims that Claire's is purple. This her way of getting all of the pink stuff (cups, plates, clothes...). Nora always used the ribbon on the side of her bumber to fall asleep and Claire does the same thing. I love that they both have the same comforts. It's really cute to me.

In April, Gretchen and I took the kids to the Columbus Zoo for the day. It was crazy busy. We had to wait 45 minutes just to get into the parking lot. I would like to go back sometime in September when school is back in.
We went to the petting area 1st. I don't think I have ever seen Nora run so fast when a goat came up to her. I felt bad for her but it was pretty funny. She got over it and did his hair. As much as Claire likes trains now, she equally disliked them on this day :(

Sleep Over

Nora had a sleep over with Nico and Mario. They watched movies, ate popcorn and pretended they were zombies.


Nora is our little artist and boy was she happy when she got to show Claire how to color. It was Claire's 1st time so there was alot crayon tasting and throwing but they still had fun. This was in March and she still likes to give them a taste.
At the moment Claire loves to play in Maynard's water and the toilet. She is falling in love with trains just like Nora did. She loves to sing "all aboard, choo choo" and can't halp but dance if music is on.
Nora takes the whole big sister thing very seriously. She will let you know if Claire is up to something. It's like I have a second pair of eyes. I wish I could find my camera because she did finger painting for the first time and that was picture worthy for sure. Her favorite people at the moment are Daddy, Nolan and Madison.

Friday, July 23, 2010


These girls can be so sweet with each other. Nora is great big sister always making sure that Claire is happy and taken care of. Claire wants to be just like her big sis.

First time on a horse

Nora, Claire and Nolan all went horse back riding for the first time. Nora was little afraid at first but after seeing the other kids go she decided to get on. Once she tried it, she was hooked. Claire on the other hand was so excited to see and pet the horses. She looked a little confused when it first started walking but loved every minute of it. I tel Eric that we are going to end up buying a horse one of these days.

First zoo trip of the year

Gretchen and I took the kids to the zoo in March. It was one of those perfect days that come along every now and then.


I went out to Seattle in March and boy was it nice to be back. Our day of shopping in LaConner was cold and rainy but that's what I love about the northwest. It was good to see Lorrie and spend time with the boys.

Keeping the Faith 2010

Eric, Joel and I went down to Cincinnati for Keeping the Faith with the youth. It is a great thing for kids getting ready to leave the home. We took them down to the Creation Museum and had a great time.

Old crayons made new

Nora looks like a crayon monster in the first picture. We have been keeping a row of cups on the shelf in the toy room. When a crayon breaks, we just put it in with it's matching colors. When there seemed to be enough to make new crayons, we had a fun afternoon project. We put glitter in some of them before baking too. I want to say it was 250 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Snow painting & Lanterns

Nico and Mario came over to spend the night. We made paper lanterns and had a lantern parade. We put food colored water in bottles and painted the snow. I must say, it was alot of fun.