Saturday, July 24, 2010


Nora is our little artist and boy was she happy when she got to show Claire how to color. It was Claire's 1st time so there was alot crayon tasting and throwing but they still had fun. This was in March and she still likes to give them a taste.
At the moment Claire loves to play in Maynard's water and the toilet. She is falling in love with trains just like Nora did. She loves to sing "all aboard, choo choo" and can't halp but dance if music is on.
Nora takes the whole big sister thing very seriously. She will let you know if Claire is up to something. It's like I have a second pair of eyes. I wish I could find my camera because she did finger painting for the first time and that was picture worthy for sure. Her favorite people at the moment are Daddy, Nolan and Madison.

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